IMPROVE YOUR MARRIAGE - Don't Overlook The Obvious

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Observe Others

Learn from
Other married folks' lives.

When they say that 'Experience Is The Best Teacher', they don't necessarily mean that the experience has to be yours.
Confused by that? - Well, here goes...

Look at the marriages of parents, in-laws, friends, co-workers, siblings... And see what you can learn from them.
How many of you often boss your spouse around as if they were an underling, maid, or man-servant, instead of a partner? And, have the chutzpah to act indignant when called upon it? - Yet, you do not pay attention to the complaints of these other couples' spouses? And pay even more attention to their arguments? The impact on their children?

Or, how about cheating on your spouse? You can certainly rationalize it. But did it lead to divorce, for friends? And, was it worth it to the adulterer?

How about the spouse who ignores their lover and best friend? Can you sense the hurt in your parents or siblings? Did you notice that finally, 'enough was 'enough'?

What about finances? The debts the other couple rang up over frivolous purchases and nights out? Did they enjoy filing for bankruptcy? Should they have budgeted, at all? Or, better than they did?

What of the treatment of children and step-children? Are their kids well-adjusted? Did the parents ever spend time with them? Discipline them, appropriately?

The list could go on and on.
Perhaps your 'particulars' are different from the other folks'. But, are they all that different?

So many times, I have heard people say that they wish they had handled their marriage differently. Especially, divorced folks. - Remember that sometimes there is not a 'tomorrow' to change things or improve the quality of your relationship.
Take advantage of the free life lessons that are all around you!

'Nuff said!

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Don't Overlook The Obvious
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